Employer Profile
Careers in Africa
The way your brand is perceived in the market has never been more important for talent recruitment.
Finding opportunities to position your brand to current and future employees is essential for creating brand ambassadors who champion your work.
Careers in Africa online Employer Profiles pick out key details with infographics, videos, interviews, case studies and news, as well as linking to your current job roles.
Our Solutions
Careersinafrica.com is the leading site where internationally-experienced African professionals research and discover employer brands and value propositions. With an audience in the millions, the site provides a rich media opportunity to tell your organisation’s story.
Careers in Africa enables employer discovery, so every organisation in Africa benefits from a profile on the platform, and every African professional seeking to build a career on the continent can benefit from improved insight into who is operating, growing and recruiting across the continent, and what they offer their people.
Where Africa Discovers Employers
The leading site for internationally-experienced African professionals discovering employers in Africa.
Targeted Outreach
Promote your brand in special sections for all of your operating regions.
Make Your Brand Exceptional
Create a rich, interactive profile to engage target talent with a meaningful employee value proposition.
We Help You Optimise
Our innovative and experienced team will support you in creating a powerful profile to maximise your impact on the platform.
Sourcing & Recruitment
Feature at exclusive online or face to face events to engage talent directly.
The Careers in Africa Initiative provides us a fantastic opportunity to attract world class talent.
HR Director, Major West African Bank
Case Study
A Pan-African development organisation increasing brand awareness across the continent with a view to improved perception by the talent pool. The Client was keen to promote their brand values and EVP in preparation for future recruitment campaigns. They wanted to use existing promotional material and create a professional and engaging profile of the business.
Discover how Global Career Company met this challenge
Registered African Professionals in Respondent Pool
Annual Website Visitors
Clients Supported
Contact Us
Get in touch with our team to discuss your needs by clicking on the button below. Please note that we cannot answer any job search queries, and if you are looking for a role in Africa, please visit Careers in Africa directly.